Friday, June 11, 2010

Burns For The Night!

We pulled into Burns around 1pm this afternoon. What wonderful weather we are having. It is supposed to be warm now for the next week or so. Anyways... we are camping at the Old Camp Casino RV Park for the night then heading for the Huntington area in the morning.

Margaret feels a little better today. When we pulled into the RV park, we were the only ones there camping. There are now two other RV'er's here now besides us. After we set up camp, we went for a walk then we sat down and played several games of farkle.

I haven't seen too much activity on our family blog lately. How is everyone else doing these days? I have updated our vacation photo album of the pictures we took today. Take care and may God bless each of you.


  1. Loved seeing all your vacation photos thus far--what beautiful rivers,lakes & snow-capped mountains!
    Hubby & I are doing OK--working on the yard some as the weather allows.
    BTW, don't ever tell my DH, but I fall more in love with him as each year passes:)
    Blessings for a safe trip!

  2. Thanks Beckie... We are really enjoying just getting out and seeing the countryside. Hoping to see you and your hubby when we get into the Newberg area. God bless, Lloyd

  3. Some nice pictures. That is about what it looked like last time we were through several years ago. We stayed in that Best Western in Hines.
    Enjoy and stay safe.
    Love & Hugs

  4. I talked to a guy at the gas station and he said that there were about 4000 people living in the Burns/Hines area. I couldn't remember you guys address there. I was going to drive by a take a picture for you.


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