Friday, October 31, 2008

Update on Shae-Lea

Little Shae-Lea came home from the hospitle yesterday.She still has a tube in her arm that goes to her heart, so that she can take her antiseizure medicine.She will do this until the 7th of november "her first Birthday" when she will have the tube removed.Right now everything seems to be going good.She is happy to be home with brother.She's back to following around like his shadow,with lots of smiles and laughs.

Her parents have been through a lot this past few week.We all thank you for your prayers, and hope the next few weeks that Shae-Lea will be healthy again.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Update on Bill

We took Bill up to OHSU on the 27th to have blood test done. The results were real encouraging. His blood levels are in the normal range. Bill will probably continue on his medication to control his leukemia instead of having a bone marrow transplant. However, testing to see if Trey is a match will probably take place within the next few weeks. This will be done just in case the medication does not continue to work on keeping his blood tests in the normal range. Continue to keep Bill, Amy, and the boys in your prayers. God bless, Lloyd

Monday, October 27, 2008

Tristin update

He is doing good now. His wt 10bls

Newberg Visit

Margaret and I had a really nice visit with Evielou yesterday afternoon. Evielou is doing well, under the circumstances, and she has a lot of support from her loving family. Evielou told us that it was Mike's wish not to have any type of memorial service. I let Evielou know that if there was anything we could do for her, just ask. During the death of a loved one it is so nice to have a loving and supporting family to comfort you in your time of need.

Jeannine drove over to Evielou's with mom. It was wonderful to see mom able to use her walker and navigate, all by herself, up the ramp and into the house to visit with us. Good going Jeannine in keeping mom up and moving. I think mom really enjoyed the visit and the piece of chocolate cake.

Everyone take care and continue to keep Evielou and family in your prayers. God bless, Lloyd

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Sixteen Candles

We celebrated Dakota's 16th birthday this evening with dinner and a DQ birthday cake. It was really nice to have everyone over for the evening.

Prayer for Bonnie Lemke

Bonnie really needs to be lifted up in prayer. Her blood tests are not to good and she is asking for continual prayer for the Lord to intervene with her fight with ovarian cancer. See Bonnie's website.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sunny Day in Roseburg

Good morning everyone. I hope all is well. The weather in Roseburg is going to be nice for the next several days, so that means I got to get busy again on finishing up my landscaping.

Margaret and I just got back from the YMCA. We are really trying hard to make this exercise program a part of our retirement.

Please continue to pray for our dear friend Grady Williams. He is not expected to make it another day.

I have to go out and help a church friend with some windows this morning. I'm hoping it will only take a few hours, but usually with old houses, it takes longer because nothing is "square".

Margaret and I will be driving up to Albany tomorrow morning to pick up Tara. We get her for four days. I'll try and get some updated photo's of our grand kids posted by this weekend. Anyways, take care and may God bless, Lloyd

Monday, October 20, 2008

Rainy Day Blues

Well, Margaret and I had several things outside we wanted to get done today, but it seems like Oregon weather has put a damper on it. In a way this is good, because I don't have to make up excuses why I can't work outside. Thank you Lord for the rain.

Anyway, we got up early this morning to do our daily workout at the YMCA. I think I'm finally getting over the soreness.

We have another teenage driver in the family. Dakota (Trey's son) finally got his driving permit. Margaret and I let Dakota drive home from church yesterday. All-in-all he did pretty good.

How has everyone been doing lately? Remember that, you to, can now "Post" an update, to let all the family know what's happening. Everyone take care, and may God bless, Lloyd

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Good Evening Family

Margaret and I had a pretty good day. Started off with getting down to the YMCA at about 6:30 am and working out on the aerobic machines, then a little dip in the pool.

After that we babysat little Sammy until about noon. Then we attended a prayer session at the church. We then did home bound visits which took us up to about 3:30pm.

At 6pm Margaret and I drove over to Bill and Amy's where we met with Trey and Dakota. We had a wonderful dinner and celebrated Margaret's birthday with cake and ice cream.

The Lord has given us so many blessings. I truly hope that each and everyone of you are doing well and that God will continue to bless you too. Take care, Lloyd

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Grace Madelyn Cannaday

Thank you Herbietta for the updated photo of little Grace.

Update on little Grace Cannaday

I just received the following email update from Beckie regarding Grace:

Hey all!

I was blessed to get to see both Jenn and Grace Madelyn today along with Jeannine!! She is doing better--out of the warmer, feeding regularly and able to be off oxygen for the time we were there. If she continues to do well she will be moved to mom's room soon:)

We were not able to see her except through the nursery but what we did see was sure cute:)

Please continue in prayer for her and Jenn too--I KNOW God is moving in this baby's life!! She is such a blessing and this recent good news came just at the right time.

Blessings all (and thanks Jeannine for coming with me!)

Happy Birthday Margaret

Happy birthday too you. Happy birthday too you. Happy birthday dear Margaret. Happy birthday too you. Love Always, Lloyd

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Wayne

Photograph is of Kay and Wayne. Guess who just turned "60". Happy Birthday Wayne. I see that the family finally got you a doggie that will listen to your every command. Love Margaret & Lloyd

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Brown Family

Hello everyone,
Here's an update of the brown family here in bend. Wes is in water polo this year and is loving it. He made his first goal last night in a scrimmage match against Mt. view high school...that was pretty cool. Jessica is doing great, mostly talking or texting her girlfriends on the phone when she's not listening to her ipod. Courtney is doing really well in school and also has a couple friends she hangs around when she's not chasing Brooke trying to retrieve a shoe or pair of underwear! Jim and I are hard at work booking out now about three weeks. We are trying to attend church more regularly and have the kids plugged into youth groups meeting on Wens. and Sun. nights. That pretty much wraps up what's going on here except we did get snow Fri. early for my liking. Take care and hope to see everyone soon.
love the browns

Chris' new baby Girl

Grace was born Oct 11, 2008 at 4:40am .

HOT off the press (or at least the camera)---introducing another beautiful grandchild blessing.

Grace Madeline (this middle name may be spelled differently)....

Grace was 7#15 oz. We don't have a height or head size yet. She was born at around 4:40 AM today. Currently she is still on oxygen but they have lowered the amount considerably. Jenn is doing well but is very, very tired! Will have more details as they unfold........

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Talking with Sammy

Now if you listen closely you will hear Sammy say: "Hi", "Grandpa", "Grandma", "Daddy", and "Mommy".

Babysetting our Grandkids

Good morning to all. I meant to get a post on the blog yesterday, but something came up that I couldn't make it. Yesterday was such a fun filled day when Margaret and I baby set Jack and Sam at their house in Winston. We had so much fun with the boys doing different little things around the house. I put together a small slide show to share with everyone.

Today Margaret, Trey and I will be going down to Canyonville to play BINGO. Its been a long time since I have been able to yell "BINGO". Afterwards we will be stopping by Bill's house to visit and have buffulo burgers. Well, got to go. Take care and may God bless, Lloyd

Thursday, October 9, 2008

What a Lovely Day

What a lovely day it is. Margaret and I just got back from the YMCA. It's hard to get started, but I sure feel better afterwards.

Not much planed for today. Got to work on the landscaping before Winter hits, then Margaret and I will be going on some home bound visits for the church.

Tomorrow's going to be fun because we get to watch Jack and Sam (at their house) for the afternoon. I'll make sure I take pictures to let everyone see. Well, take care and if anyone wants, they can add a new post anytime to let everyone know how they are doing. God bless, Lloyd

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Panama Canal

Hi there, guess where we are going. This is a Hint. We leave in about 2 weeks. They made us an offer we couldn't "refuse". Love & Prayers go out to all of you and we were so very sorry to hear about Sherry's Mother. Our thoughts and prayers go out to them.

Good Morning Family

Well, it's only around 5am and Margaret is still sleeping. We are heading for the YMCA this morning, then I have to work on the landscaping. I would like to get most of it done before the rain hits.

I haven't had to many complaints about the family blog, so I guess all of its functions must be working right. I noticed that there are only a few relatives that has not signed up yet to be members. I know that most of you are working so you can't play around with the computer as much as Margaret and I can. Well, anyways... retirements tough, but I am beginning to enjoy it.

Please keep Sherrie and Wayne in your prayers. Sherrie's mom passed away yesterday (See prayer request). Got to go. God bless, Lloyd

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Great Grandson

Great Grandson Payton Sumner Loves Lighting McQueen.


This is a picture of the Basil Cannaday family in Boise, Idaho They are our second & third cousins. Basil's father was William Reo Cannaday (aka Pete), the brother of our grandfather LeRoy Cannaday.

From L-R Johannah, Alice, Basil & Jerry

Basil is 84 years old, his wife Alice is 81 and they are both doing pretty well both physically & mentally.They have been married 62 years.

A really nice family, they made us feel like we had known each other all our lives though we had never met before. We are hoping that they will be able to make it to the next reunion.

My Two Grandkids

Shae-Lea Marie Ligons & Bryson Tyler Cannaday

Friday, October 3, 2008

Martha 9-25-2008

Martha 9-25-2008

Babysetting Sam

We sure had a lot of fun with Sam yesterday. As you can see he is growing like a weed. Hard to believe he is already walking and I think he said "grandpa" to me. Now, some of you need to post a photo of your grandchidren so we can all enjoy. God bless, Lloyd

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What a lovely day

Well by now most of you have got emails to be members of our family blog. I'm hoping that all family members with email will join our blog so we can keep track of what's going on and all the latest news within each family.

Margaret and I just got back from the YMCA. We are trying to keep in shape so we will live longer (God willing) to spend more of our kids inheritance. The best thing about the first of the month is that us retired folks get paid. Got to go now so don't be bashful about using this blog. God bless, Lloyd