Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Best Halloween Costume

This is Opal on Halloween night... Can you guess who she is dressed as?

1) Nellie Olson from the Little House on the Prairie.

2) Laura Ingalls from the Little House on the Prairie.

3) Mrs. Olson from the Little House on the Prairie.

4) Mrs. Ingals from the Little House on the Prairie.


  1. Opal has already told me who she was dressed as. Now all of you have to guess which character she resembles from Little House. Sophie sort of looks like Totto in the Wizard of Oz.

  2. I would say with the blond hair it would be Nellie but I don't think Nellie wore pigtails, therefor I would have to guess Laura, yes, I guess that is my final answer. : )

  3. You are right in your final answer. Very observant in looking at the pig-tails. My guess was Nellie, but Opal let me know that she was dressed as Laura because Laura was the nice one and Nellie was the "bad" one.


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