Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hello From The Heaters

April was a very busy month for us but also enjoyable. Not so much the weather but all else was good. We started off with Easter and even though JR and his family were not there for the beginning, Aunt Maxine & Barb were able to join us along with Jeff, Kim and her son Jordan, and we all had a great visit. The 17th we participated in a baby shower for JR & JenMa. Lots of good food and great baby gifts. Then on the 22nd we met with some of Rusty's family and had a nice lunch and swapping of genealogy material.

April 30th we started a two day celebration of Payton's 4th birthday, starting with a trip to the Evergreen Air & Space Museum then lunch at Izzys and then a party at Jaquith Park on Sat. In between all this, I have been working on a new quilt which I have to finish before Sept. 12th. and also taking Buddie to visit the dog park.

We are planning on going to Long Beach Washington for a few days over Mother's Day and then in June heading for Eastern Oregon and Boise.

Well, that pretty much catches you up on our happenings. All in all, we ARE truly Blessed.

Love & Hugs to you all!


  1. It sounds like you guys had a pretty good month.

    So good to see someone else posting on this blog besides me... Maybe we will cross paths in eastern Oregon this June. Margaret and I are planning on heading towards the coast, then Medford, Klamath Falls, then up through center and easter part of Oregon.

    Drive carefully and have fun. God bless, Lloyd

  2. What did Payton think of the Evergreen museum? We went there once and loved it!

  3. And Lloyd---those of us without Facebook really appreciate your work on both this blog and your Solid Rock one!!
    Blessings, b

  4. Thank you Beckie for the kind word. As you are aware, because you have a blog also, it takes time to keep them up. But, I really enjoy doing it. God bless, Lloyd


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