Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Simon "Can You Beat My Score?"

Good morning everyone... As you can see, I have placed another challenging game on our family blog.

This one really works the old memory cells. I probably played around with this game for several minutes before scoring a whopping "11" points.

Let's see if there are any of you out there that might be able to beat my score. Remember you are dealing with a senior citizen's mind. Good luck!


  1. You click on "play" and a light flashes. You then click on the light that flashes until you miss it. It will keep flashing lights randomly until you miss. The more lights you click on without missing, the higher your score will be.

    The game is down on the left hand side of the blog.

  2. I got a 13 then L.J. started talking to me and I messed up.. your turn Uncle Lloyd and dad

  3. I don't think I can get any higher then a "11". I've tried several times, but the old brain fails me. But now that there is a challenge, I'm going too have to work a little harder. God bless, Uncle Lloyd


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