Friday, January 16, 2009

Anyone out there!!

Good morning family. Anyone out there in cyberspace? I haven't seen any post lately from our family bloggers keeping us all up to date on what's happening in our lives.

Margaret and I have had a pretty good, last few days, spending time with our family. Yesterday evening we watched Sammy and Jack while Bill and Amy went to a birthday party. I tell you what, those grand kids of ours are growing up soooooo fast that it's hard to keep up with them anymore. Jack and Sammy are so cute when they take off running down the hallway after each other. I think Jack is starting to really enjoy his little brother.

Trey also showed up while the grand kids were here, so we all enjoyed a spaghetti dinner and played a few games of Zilch (dice game)to see who would be champion. Trey and I both won a game and poor Margaret didn't win any. Anyhow, we all had fun just chatting and goofing around.

Today Margaret and I are going to just relax and later on head over to Seven Feathers Casino to play BINGO. It's been a long time since I won a BINGO game so this is the day!

Hoping all of you are well and doing fine this lovely day. Take care and may our Lord continue to bless each and everyone of you. Lloyd

1 comment:

  1. Its just you and me right now. there is not much going on here right now. maybe in a week we will have something put on the blog.


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