Friday, March 13, 2009

Roseburg Crud!!!

Well, last week was miserable because I had the Crud. The doctor said it was a virus so all I needed to do was "wait it out" for about 7-10 days. Guess what? Margaret now has the Crud. I was thinking about blaming it on Jack or Sammy, but being we haven't seen them all week, that was sort of hard to do.

We had plans on heading for the coast for three days on Monday. Not now! Being I'm just getting over the Crud and Margaret is going into her third day of it, we decided to cancel the trip. Maybe next week!

I hope everyone else is doing well. Tomorrow we plan on going over to Bill and Amy's house to celebrate Bill's birthday. So, today we are both staying inside, keeping warm, so maybe tomorrow we'll fell better.

Don't be bashful about POSTING and letting everyone know how things are going with you and your families. Take care and may God bless.

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