Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Questions from an 11 year old

well the other night Tori came up to me and asked me how and where was God born. I couldn't really answer that question that she would understand what i'm talking about. does anyone have any ideas what to say to her so she can talk to her friends. She is doing amazing in school and telling her friends about Christ and inviting them to church we usually have a van full. At least she is interested huh. well anyways if anyone knows what to say let me know. thanks. Raven


  1. Raven, this question has been around from the beginning of tme and continues to be one of the misteries of God that is hard to understand.

    I put the answer to Tori's question in the Family Discussion Room under "Where did God come from?" I hope this helps explain how awsome our God is. God bless, Uncle Lloyd

  2. I agree--there are just certain mysteries of faith (and God) that we'll never understand till we go home to be with God.

    There is a verse that says -- "Now we see things imperfectly as in a poor mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.* All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God knows me now." I Corinthians 13:12 NLT (Ilumina. © Tyndale House Publishers)

    This is where faith comes in--I don't understand all the complexities of the Internet and yet I accept (and believe) it as there and so I blog, e-mail and surf the web; the same goes for many other things of life which I just don't have the intellect (or desire) to comprehend and yet I use them in daily life--electricity, etc. Of course, God is far above all these earthly things.

    God simply is and has always been. He says so in His Word and we accept it, just as we accept that He created all we see on the earth and in the heavens. Now I am not saying that I don't want to know all the answers to the million and one questions I have about God and this earth too just like Tori; but the truth is I won't until I see God face to face. Meanwhile I trust in His sinless, perfect, all-knowing, loving character--who He is, what He has done and accept (as best as I can) the fact that there are certain things I have to take on faith. He said it; therefore it's true (He's incapable of lying being sinless)

    Hope this helps. I will pray that God give you the words to explain this to your beautiful daughter. Sometimes it helps to make a word picture--I think it is very normal to have this type of question BTW:)

    Blessings, b

  3. thanks so much everyone i'll try and use word pictures for this as she still doesn't understand. we'll pray about it and for her faith to to not waver in school and with her friends. thanks again. Raven


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