Hello one last time from the ship,
Today is our last day of our cruise. We will be in Los Angeles tomorrow morning. At present the ship has gone 4754.4 nautical miles and we have 236.4 more to go before reaching our destination in Los Angeles. Today we are celebrating our 47th anniversary. Last night we celebrated it with Colin and Nancy whom we met from Calgary. They were celebrating their 55th. This was their first cruise. Tonight we plan for just the two of us to go to Sabatini's, one of the specialty restaurants on board. Before turning in tonight we have to be all packed and our bags set outside the door. All luggage other than our carry ons will be picked up and taken to another location and we will not see it again until we get off the ship. Then we will take it through customs and then of course again at the airport. We will probably be at the airport by noon and our plane doesn't leave until about 5pm. Going to be a Loooooong day.
This has been a wonderful trip but a long one. It will be good to get home and see family and our critters again. This has been one of the roughest trips we have taken. It isn't horrible but the ship has been rocking nearly the whole distance. Generally there is some but not constant. Still, in all it was great. Didn't gt sick anyway. We are uploading some more pictures this evening so hope they are showing up alright. Take care, Love & Hugs to you all and will be seeing some of you soon.
Go to Rusty's Public Gallery for the pictures.