Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hello From Roseburg!

James Riley Cannaday - Age: 11

Margaret and I got a really nice Christmas card from Dawn today with an updated picture of our grandson Riley and his brother Dylan. Dawn wanted our email address to send more pictures of Riley. This has been something that we have been praying about for years that maybe we would be able to see Riley again. Dawn emailed us with a very possitive letter stating that when we are up in Newberg again she would bring Riley by for us. God's blessings. Lloyd

Monday, December 27, 2010

Colorado Cannadays

Well this will be my first posting, be kind.

Oh Colorado, what is said to be the snowy state is lacking much. Our weather has been so wonderful that our windows have been open during the day but as such our Christmas was rather 'un'Christmasy. Grace had a blast opening presents and was filled with many an oooh and plenty of squeals. She had also asked Santa, when met at the army Christmas party, for cake. Sure enough (s)he came through and Grace had a piece of cake waiting for her on Christmas morn.

Chris will be leaving for a school down south for a couple weeks in January so it will just be the kids and I (not to mention our dogs!). He is doing well providing for his family while I concentrate on school and the raising of the kids (and dogs!).

Our house is constantly going through remodel, always a wanted or needed improvement. Chris just built us a new table and while it saves us space it also looks very nice (don't tell him, don't want a building ego).

My family in Amity has suffered a recent lose of a beloved animal. Even here in Colorado, and Australia where my sister is currently, the effects are felt greatly. Please keep us in your thoughts.

I do suppose that is it. One day I will figure out pictures, till then just visit my facebook. Christmas pictures up soon!

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Margaret and I would like to wish you all a Merry CHRISTmas. May our Lord continue to bless each and everyone of you. And always remember... Jesus is the Reason for the Season.  Love Always, Lloyd, Margaret, Trey, Bill, Amy, Jack and Sammy

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jack's First Christmas Program

We all had a lot of fun watching Jack's first Christmas program tonight. Jack is the one in the green and black striped pajamas.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jesus Loves The Little Children Of The World


Please donate to St. Jude's in memory of Dax: http://tiny.cc/m1mdo This song is inspired by the true story of Dax Locke, who was was diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia at 13 months old. The doctors told his parents that Dax would most likely not make it to see Christmas. Dax did lose his battle with Leukemia, but not before he got to see one last Christmas. Today, this little boy's legacy lives on, and his parents are making sure it does. This Christmas, it is on my heart to join forces with the Locke family, and help them in their cause. I would like to encourage you to join us in raising money that will go to an amazing cause in St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. To read more of Dax's story click here. Together, we can reach this goal -- and fund St. Jude's for an entire day in Dax Locke's memory! -Matthew West


A friend of mine sent me this video about a little boy by the name of Dax Locke who died of a rare form of leukemia on December 30th 2009. Often times, during the Christmas holiday, we tend to forget about those that are hurting and less fortunate then we are. I have a hard time thinking about any problems that I may have when I can look around and see small children that will never have the opportunity to grow up and enjoy all of the blessings that God has given each and everyone of us.

Please join me in prayer for all of the young children of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Pray for all of the parents that are grieving for the loss of their children to cancer. God bless you. Lloyd

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving With The Family

Margaret and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with our family. Margaret cooked a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings.  It was fun just relaxing and enjoying each others company.  God has blessed all of us so much this year. 

Lloyd III, Margaret, Lloyd
Bill, Sam, Jack, Amy
Jack, Bill, Amy, Sam
Bill and Amy

Have a Happy Thanksgiving Day!

I would like to personally thank each and every one of my family this Thanksgiving Day. As brothers and sisters, you all mean so much to me. The Lord has been so good to me and Margaret this year. Please take a few moments this morning to give our Almighty and Awesome God the praise and thanks He so justly desires.

Let us prayer for the homeless and hurting souls out there that have nowhere to go on this Thanksgiving Day. Find it in your hearts to reach out to the lost and lonely folks who are hungry and need someone who really cares about them. Reach out in your communities and neighborhoods and share God's blessings with someone today. The Lord will bless you abundantly for taking in one of His sheep that has gone astray. God bless you and your family. Lloyd

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Following In My Footsteps

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately wanted to paint another one.

When you thought I wasn't looking saw you feed a stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind to animals.

When you thought I wasn't looking, saw you make my favorite cake for me and I learned that the little things can be the special things in life.

When you thought I wasn't looking I heard you say a prayer, and I knew there is a God I could always talk to and I learned to trust in God.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you give of your time and money to help people who had nothing and I learned that those who have something should give to those who don't.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you take care of our house and everyone in it and I learned we have to take care of what we are given.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw how you handled your responsibilities, even when you didn't feel good and I learned that I would have to be responsible when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw tears come from your eyes and I learned that sometimes things hurt, but it's all right to cry.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw that you cared and I wanted to be everything that I could be.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I learned most of life's lessons that I need to know to be a good and productive person when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I looked at you and wanted to say, "Thanks for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn't looking."

--- Author Unknown

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Best Halloween Costume

This is Opal on Halloween night... Can you guess who she is dressed as?

1) Nellie Olson from the Little House on the Prairie.

2) Laura Ingalls from the Little House on the Prairie.

3) Mrs. Olson from the Little House on the Prairie.

4) Mrs. Ingals from the Little House on the Prairie.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Our Trip to Medford

Margaret and I had a wonderful visit with Fern and Opal today at Fern's house in Medford. Fern made us all a delicious lunch then we played a card game.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Our Trip to Bend

Herbietta and Rusty, EvieLou and Jeannine, and Margaret and I all met over at Bonnie and Roy's house where we had a really great dinner that Bonnie prepared for us. The visit was sort of solemn because we all arrived to be there at the cemetery Saturday morning to place mom's ashes next to dads.

We did have a very good visit with each other and had a few laughs. It was sort of interesting that Margaret and I had made reservations at the Days Inn in Bend and to our surprise and joy; Herbietta and Rusty did the same. Our rooms were next door to each other. Now that was quite a coincidence.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Ray!!!

Hey there little brother....are you feeling any older today? Happy birthday! Love from all of us here in Roseburg.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Our Trip to Grants Pass

What a wonderful day we had visiting with Fern, Opal and Debbie. We all drove over to the Hong Kong Restaurant and had a really nice lunch. After lunch we went back to Opal's house and had desert. Lots of visiting and laughter.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Margaret!!!

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday dear Honey bun.
Happy birthday to you.

Love always, Lloyd

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fun Day at The Park with Jack and Sammy

Jack and Sammy feeding the geese with Grandma.


Jack and Sammy feeding the geese.

Grandma reading the nature trail sign for Jack and Sammy.


Jack, Sammy and Grandma on the nature trail bridge.


Jack and Sammy clowning around on the bridge.

Jack and Sammy enjoying a picnic at the park with Grandma and Grandpa.

Silly boys....

Grandpa swinging Jack and Sammy high into the air.

Monday, September 27, 2010

In Loving Memory of Bonnie Lemke

Our cousin Bonnie went home to be with our Lord Jesus today. Bonnie fought a long and courageous battle with ovarian cancer. Here is a poem that I copied from Bonnie's website which sort of says it all: "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!" Bonnie was such an inspiration too all that knew and loved her. Bonnie...you will be greatly missed.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Sammy!

Sammy, Jack and Bryson
Sammy blowing out the candles of his cake.

The whole family had fun at the park celebrating Sammy's 3rd birthday.  Lots of fun and lots to eat.  See the family blog pictures slide show for more birthday photographs. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Herbietta!!!

Happy Birthday To You.
Happy Birthday To You;
Happy Birthday Dear Herbietta.
Happy Birthday To You!

Love, Margaret, Lloyd, Trey, Bill, Amy, Jack & Sammy

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Way To Go Troy!!!

Troy Parlette got his first Bullwinkle. Good going Troy! When can we come over for steaks?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Jack's first day of pre-school

It is really hard to believe that our little boy is now going to school. Congratulations Jack, we are so proud of you. Love Grandpa and Grandma

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My daughter and Me 09-2010

Raven' new e-mail address

Hello everyone~
my new e-mail address is raven_gough@yahoo.com
if you would like to contact me please use this address

I want to thank everyone that prayed for me while i was away. it looks like alot of good memories on this page. anyways may God be with all of you and keep you strong. Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Trey!

Our little boy is now "middle-aged"

Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday dear Trey.
Happy Birthday to you.
Love Mom & Dad

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our Family Retreat in Bandon

Front Row:  Liv, Ardis, Jack, Jeanie, Mike, and Sammy  Back Row:  Bill, Ezra, Amy, Allie, Alisha, Trey, Margaret and Lloyd
We just got back from our family retreat in Bandon. Lots of fun, sun and food for everyone. The grandkids really enjoyed themselves on the beach jumping waves and looking for rocks and shells. I will post a few more pictures later.

Monday, August 9, 2010

the Klopp's update

It's been a busy summer with Jacin coming home from Iraq, us buying another home and still waiting for old house to sell....ugh We have taken 2 camping trips this summer and hoping to get another in still before school starts up. the house is slowly being unpacked, and were loving the extra 500 sq feet almost. :-) The yard work is slowy getting done and we should have a fence up by next week! Did I mention we have a puppy now too, well she's 8 months old. We'll update some pictures besides the family reunion ones in the near future. God Bless and have a great week. Love Tina and family

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cannaday Family Reunion 2010

In Memory of June I. Cannaday (mom)

We really had a great time visiting with all of our relatives. The slide show on mom's life brought back old memories and a few tears, but all in all it was enjoyable just watching it with the family. Mom really loved all of her children, grand kids, great grand kids and great-great grand kids, so I know she would want us all to continue to gather at least once a year in her and dad's memory.
If you would like to put the photographs you took into this slide show for all to enjoy, please email me the pictures or place them in the "Family Blog Pictures" slide show in the left column. Blessings too each of you.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Tammy

Happy Birthday Tammy 30 years old. No more twenties.

Fun at the County Fair!

We all had a lot of fun at the Douglas County Fair yesterday. Lots of exhibits to see and fun watching Jack and Sam riding on the carnival rides. In the video above you will see Sam in the second car and Jack behind him in the third car.

Bill, Amy and the boy's with Scooby Doo.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Jeannine!

Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday dear Jeannine.
Happy Birthday to you.
We love you......

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Marty!

Hard to believe that our little sister is growing older... Have a happy birthday and may our Lord continue to bless you with many more.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Our Cool Grandkid!!!

Jack is so cool looking with his new shades and cap.

Jack is either praying or savoring the batter!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Goodnight, goodnight till then!

<a href="http://matthewsmith.bandcamp.com/album/goodnight">Goodnight by Matthew Smith</a>

I journey forth rejoicing
From this dark vale of tears,
To heavenly joy and freedom,
From earthly bonds and fears;
Where Christ our Lord shall gather
All His redeemed again,
His kingdom to inherit.
Goodnight, goodnight till then!

Why thus so sadly weeping,
Beloved ones of my heart?
The Lord is good and gracious,
Though now He bids us part.
Oft have we met in gladness.
And we shall meet again,
All sorrow left behind us.
Goodnight, goodnight till then!

I go to see His glory,
Whom we have loved below:
I go, the blessed angels,
The holy saints to know.
Our lovely ones departed,
I go to find again,
And wait for you to join us.
Goodnight, goodnight till then!

I hear the Saviour calling,
The joyful hour has come:
The angel guards are ready
To guide me to our home,
Where Christ our Lord shall gather
All His redeemed again,
His kingdom to inherit.
Goodnight, goodnight till then!

Friday, July 9, 2010

We Will Miss You Mom

In Loving Memory of Our Mother

June Isabell (Vaughn) Cannaday
June 21, 1921 -- July 8, 2010

My dearest mom, we will all miss you so much, but I know that someday we will see you again in Heaven. There will be no more pain or suffering and God will wipe away all of our tears. Love Always, your son Lloyd

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day!

Jesus on the 4th of July

We gather ‘round to celebrate
On Independence Day
Pay homage to our country
As the children run and play.

With barbecues and picnics
And fireworks in the air
The flag we own is proudly flown
To show how much we care.

The stars and stripes spell freedom
She waves upon the breeze
While bursts of colors can be seen
Above the towering trees.

This is all quite wonderful
We revel in delight
But God above in divine love
Has brought this day to light.

With just a stroke of liberty
A touch of His great hand
He gave democracy to us
And helped this country stand.

The stripes upon our stately flag
Were touched by His sweet grace
Each star of white that shines so bright
Reflects His loving face.

So as you turn to face the flag
For battles that were fought
Be filled with pride for those who died
And freedoms that were bought.

But don’t forget to thank the One
That gives the bright display
The reason why we paint the sky
On Independence Day

Copyright © Marilyn Ferguson 2003

Friday, July 2, 2010

In Loving Memory of Howard William Kuebker

Howard William Kuebker
September 22, 1933 - June 16, 2010

Louise receiving the U.S. Flag in honor of Howard's military service on Monday, June 28th, 2010.

Howard William Kuebker September 22, 1933 - June 16, 2010 SALEM - Howard was born and raised in Lewiston, Idaho. At the age of 18 Howard and his cousin joined the Air Force where his love of flying was born. Howard married the love of his life, Louise, on December 17, 1960 in Newberg, Ore. He graduated from Portland State and raised three beautiful children, Jackie Blanchard, Jeff Kuebker, and Katherine Eggerth. Howard has 5 grandchildren, Doug and Tara Blanchard, Rebecca Landes, Denver and Faith Eggerth; and two great grandchildren, Douglas Bradlee Blanchard III and McKenzie Landes. Howard was the proprietor of motels including the City Center Motel where he always greeted his guests with a smile. A service for Howard will be held at 2 p.m., Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Salem. Arrangements by Virgil T. Golden Funeral Service.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

So Good To Be Home!!!

We got home at about 3pm this afternoon. Boy was it nice to get home and kick off my shoes and just relax. That was a long trip, but it sure was fun and worth it. We saw a lot of territory that we had never seen before and also had lots of fun.

We traveled over 2600 miles around Oregon. The only places we didn't get to see was the Mt. Vernon area and we didn't get up to see Kay and Doug up in La Center, Washington. Otherwise we were able to see all other places we had planed to visit.

Well, I think I will just lounge around in front of the TV the rest of the night because I am really tired and don't feel like doing anything else today. Everyone take care and may our Lord continue to bless each one of you. God bless, Lloyd

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Enjoying the Sunshine in Florence!

We pulled into Florence this afternoon at about 3pm. The weather is just beautiful with clear skies and the temputure about 70 degrees. We will be staying at the Woahink Lake RV Resort for the next three days. We decided to extend our stay here in Florence by one day because the weather is so nice.

I will update our vacation picture album in a few days. We will be heading back to Roseburg sometime Tuesday morning.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Ravens health and divorce

Hello everyone just thought I would share that I have tumors on both ovaries being removed and biopsy next week or the following week. Then some skin tests as I have moles on right arm that are possible cancer bleeding and stuff also possible colon cancer. So 3 surgeries coming up. I'm also losing my drivers license until they can figure out why I keep blacking out.

I'm going through a really bad divorce and I feel like Job. Pray for a speedy recovery and that if it is cancer they can catch it before it spreads to more organs then it already has. I'm on tons of meds for pain, and anti-cancer drugs so I can't keep food down or drinks and I'm losing a lot of weight and losing a lot of hair too.

I will be in Newberg this morning sometime to visit dad, no kids this time :) yippee... I have posted new pictures of the kids on my facebook; they are both growing up way to fast. Ok well goodnight to all. I hope you all are doing well. Love Raven

Oh by the way here is my new contact info please call or write or visit I get very lonely as I can’t drive right now. 503-990-7472 or raven.gough@gmail.com and my address is 562 Rose Park Ln. NE; Keizer, OR 97303

I love you all, have a good weekend.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Enjoying The Ocean Breeze!

What a beautiful view of the ocean

We pulled into the Lincoln City Premier RV Resort around 2pm this afternoon. What a beautiful day on the coast. It is a little overcast and the temperature is about 65 degrees. We are right across from the Inn At Spanish Head and enjoying the ocean breeze. We will be just relaxing around the RV park the rest of the afternoon, then tomorrow we plan on going sightseeing.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Good Morning Family & Friends!

Well, we had a little change in our itinerary but everything seems to be working out pretty well for us. The Lord has been so good to us during our trip around Oregon. He has kept us save and we have been to so many beautiful places that we have never seen before.

We pulled into the Aurora Acres RV Resort Friday afternoon. This is a nice little RV park, but we stayed there only three days. The noise from the freeway was bad so we moved over to the Phoenix RV Park in Salem yesterday morning.

On Saturday we were able to visit with Louise and her family. Louise is doing pretty well and she has a lot of loving family for support. We all went out to the Hometown Buffet and had lunch and visited with each other. Howard's funeral will be at 2pm on Wednesday, June 23rd, at Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Salem.

After visiting with Louise, we drove over to my mom's house in Newberg to be with the family as we celebrated my mom's 89th birthday. What a blessing it was to visit with family and see some of my nieces and nephews.

Margaret and I are planning on staying at the Phoenix RV Park until Thursday morning, then we will be heading to Lincoln City were we will spend two nights (24th & 25th). We will then drive on down to Florence and stay there for two nights (26th & 27th). We are hoping for good weather while on the coast. We should be arriving back home in Roseburg on Monday the 28th, if the good Lord is willing and the creeks don't raise. Anyways!

We are having a great time traveling, but really miss our family there in Roseburg. I have updated our picture gallery, but still need to label a few of the pictures.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Heading Home Tomorrow

We will be leaving in the morning for Aurora Acres RV Resort where we will spend three days. We want to be with Louise to give her a little support and comfort. Howard's funeral will be on Wednesday so we will take our trailer home on Monday and drive back up for the funeral.

We will also be able to be at mom's birthday party on Saturday. We are looking forward to seeing everyone then. Take care and may God bless, Lloyd

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

We Are In Pendleton

We arrived at the Wild Horse RV Park in Pendleton at about 2pm this afternoon. We are just going to take it easy and relax the rest of the day and do a little laundry and cleaning up. Tomorrow we plan on touring the area where we lived back in the early 1970's.

We got some bad family news a few hours ago. Margaret's brother-in-law, Howard Kuebker, died this morning. Please lift Louise and family up in prayer to the Lord. Howard's health has not been too good for the past several years, but his death was unexpected.

Good Morning From Baker City

We pulled into Baker City Monday afternoon. We have been staying at the Mountain View RV Park for the past two days. The weather is just beautiful, clear skies and warm temperatures. I can see why they call this RV park "Mountain View" -- The picture on this post is what we see outside our trailer. The snow caped mountains are so lovely.

Yesterday we took an all day tour and sightseeing drive up Hell's Canyon. We even stopped by the ghost town of Sparta. I took lots of pictures which include the Hell's Canyon Dam and the only little house left in Sparta.

We are heading to Pendleton this afternoon. We will probably stay two nights there, just relaxing and a little sightseeing.